At the time I had both a treadmill and an elliptical, but the elliptical was in the rafters of the garage. So I would go for walks outside, use small neoprene free-weights, and of course, walk on my treadmill. By the end of Sept, I was jogging for 10 minutes without stopping, and it felt so good!
INJURY #1: I was out walking with small 2 lb weights in each hand, when I felt something in my lower back pull. I was sore, and I knew I had been really pumping my arms, so I just figured it was a pulled muscle. But by day two, I could barely move. My back would freeze up, and I was stuck. I went to the chiropractor who got me moving again, but I had to take a week off of working out because it hurt so bad. And the worst of it was sitting. I could not sit for more than 10 minutes without excruciating pain.
After a week, I decided to start some slow walks again, and I realized, it didn't hurt to walk. After a few weeks, I tried jogging again, andI was almost back to my 10 minutes when....
INJURY #1: My treadmill started having issues. As I'd be walking or jogging, it would quit. (Rule #1: Always keep the warranty on your treadmill! We had just let ours laps last summer). So on this night, it stopped, so I stopped, and I went to bed feeling fine. I woke up with the sharpest pain in my right big toe that I can't even describe it. I could hardly walk. After a few days that pain went down, but I was walking on the side of my right foot, and soon it affected my back, hips, ankle, shins...never take your big toe for granted! I didn't want to give up on my workout progress though, and by this time I had lost 12 lbs. So my wonderful husband went up into the rafters and got out my 8 year-old elliptical, and I got on it, and my toe did not hurt! I would be able to continue my workouts, just not walking/jogging.
By Thanksgiving, I had lost 6 more lbs for a total of 18 lbs lost since August. My toe was getting better, but I still could not walk fast (although I did pull a Black Friday all-nighter!)
By early December, I felt I was on the mend. I had a trip to Vegas planned, which was a 2.5 hour plane ride, but I felt my back would handle it. On this trip, my friend and I were going to walk a 5K in a fun run called "The Santa Run" (see picture below, I'm on the right!) I drove the 2.5 hours to the airport, flew to Vegas, and when I got off the plane, I can't explain it, but something sent me into pain that was like no other. I took one step, and most of the pain I had felt before in my toe returned. So instead of the 5K, we decided to walk the mile, and for as cold as it was that morning, that was a good choice.

Also that weekend in Vegas was the Rock-n-Roll Marathon. When we went out Sunday night, I saw this:

And something inside of me said, "I want to do that." Not the whole marathon, just a half. (Just a half...did I really just say that?) But considering I had a major foot problem and a nagging back problem, how would that happen?
More next time, but for now, I am happy to say a jogged 5 miles last night! My back isn't too happy about though, so any prayers for my back would be appreciated.
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