I woke up yesterday morning with a sharp shooting pain on the outside of the right heal. At first I thought it was my achilies tendon, which had me beyond depressed. But the more I felt it, I was convinced it wasn't. After some research, I think I damaged my peroneal tendon. I don't think it's horrible, but I am taking at least 5 days off. I'm icing like crazy as well.
It's mostly stiff in the morning when I wake up and when I having been on it. After I'm on it a bit, it does loosen up.
I will be careful, and this is set back...but I'm not giving up! I was up to six miles last week...I will be fine.
Supporting Love Without Boundaries
Join me as I share my trials and tribulations as a new runner. What started off as a goal to run a half-marathon (when I could barely run 3 miles) to raise money for Love Without Boundaries quickly became a way of life. I encourage you to follow along, laugh with me, and learn from my mistakes. Overall, just realize that I'm not out to win any races, but my goal is self-improvement. In the last 2 years I've lost 50 lbs and reclaimed my LOVE for life! And if I can do it, so can YOU!

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
In the last two weeks...
...a lot has happened.
On the day of my last post, my birthday, my husband got sick, and I mean ill in bed and couldn't get up for 3 days kind of sick. We ended up in the ER on the third night because he was dehydrated. So my running stalled a bit as I worked, ran kids around, and cared for him. But I did pick it back up over the weekend and I was getting back on track. Monday was a great 5.5 mile run...I'm getting there, slowly but surely!
I had a good 4 mile untimed run on Wednesday, and then the weather took quite a turn. Now I will run in the cold. I will run in the rain. I will also run in the dark. I'll even run in any 2 of those 3 scenarios. But I will NOT run in all three of those conditions--uh uh, no way, not happening. So Thursday night I settled for 60 minutes on the elliptical and spent some quality time with my 10 year old daughter catching up on American Idol.
And then Friday, it was wedding time! I was a bridesmaid in a wedding on Saturday, so Friday night was rehearsal, and Saturday I spent all day with the bride and the wedding party. The bride was my wonderful teaching partner, and this is her first marriage. She married a wonderful man of God, and we are all so happy for her! And oh I wish I had a picture to put on here...I did not look like myself at all. It was really fun to get all dressed up for a day!
But at 8pm, I called Dan, and Ty had a fever...back to reality.
So today, I got to run again, and I was nervous. I decided to run 4 miles, but try to beat any previous times I had, and sure enough, I did it! That was very cool. I am hoping to get 6 miles in tomorrow...we shall see.
OH! The most important thing! I got new shoes! My knees were giving me fits, so I went to South Sound Running in Olympia and got some amazing new shoes. They are worth every penny. The first time I ran in them I wasn't liking them so well, but the second time, I loved them, and so did my knees.
So yes, I'm back, and I'm not giving up! Life slows a bit this week, so I'm hoping to get a good week of running in.
On the day of my last post, my birthday, my husband got sick, and I mean ill in bed and couldn't get up for 3 days kind of sick. We ended up in the ER on the third night because he was dehydrated. So my running stalled a bit as I worked, ran kids around, and cared for him. But I did pick it back up over the weekend and I was getting back on track. Monday was a great 5.5 mile run...I'm getting there, slowly but surely!
I had a good 4 mile untimed run on Wednesday, and then the weather took quite a turn. Now I will run in the cold. I will run in the rain. I will also run in the dark. I'll even run in any 2 of those 3 scenarios. But I will NOT run in all three of those conditions--uh uh, no way, not happening. So Thursday night I settled for 60 minutes on the elliptical and spent some quality time with my 10 year old daughter catching up on American Idol.
And then Friday, it was wedding time! I was a bridesmaid in a wedding on Saturday, so Friday night was rehearsal, and Saturday I spent all day with the bride and the wedding party. The bride was my wonderful teaching partner, and this is her first marriage. She married a wonderful man of God, and we are all so happy for her! And oh I wish I had a picture to put on here...I did not look like myself at all. It was really fun to get all dressed up for a day!
But at 8pm, I called Dan, and Ty had a fever...back to reality.
So today, I got to run again, and I was nervous. I decided to run 4 miles, but try to beat any previous times I had, and sure enough, I did it! That was very cool. I am hoping to get 6 miles in tomorrow...we shall see.
OH! The most important thing! I got new shoes! My knees were giving me fits, so I went to South Sound Running in Olympia and got some amazing new shoes. They are worth every penny. The first time I ran in them I wasn't liking them so well, but the second time, I loved them, and so did my knees.
So yes, I'm back, and I'm not giving up! Life slows a bit this week, so I'm hoping to get a good week of running in.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
I have begun my 38th year
I turned 37 today. I know some people don't admit their age. I truly don't care. It's a number.
I grew up in a small rural town, and there is a whole group of us with January/February birthdays. One friend in particular has a birthday 5 days before mine, and she made the statement, "I feel like I'm 27." So I told her I'd let her know how I felt on my birthday.
I woke up at 4:30 am, and by 5:00, I was on a 4 mile run. I reflected on that...at what point in my life would I have woken up at such an hour, let alone run 4 miles? Never. Not once.
So, age 37...so far, I like it, and I feel WAY better than when I was 27!
I grew up in a small rural town, and there is a whole group of us with January/February birthdays. One friend in particular has a birthday 5 days before mine, and she made the statement, "I feel like I'm 27." So I told her I'd let her know how I felt on my birthday.
I woke up at 4:30 am, and by 5:00, I was on a 4 mile run. I reflected on that...at what point in my life would I have woken up at such an hour, let alone run 4 miles? Never. Not once.
So, age 37...so far, I like it, and I feel WAY better than when I was 27!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Super Bowl Sunday
I woke up early and decided to get my run in before church. I had a dull ache in my knees from my 5 mile run on Friday, so I managed to get in 4.5 miles today, which was better than my 4 mile goal for the day. I've been running every other day this last week, which means tomorrow should be a day off. However, I think I'm going to need to squeeze in some elliptical time to work off all the crackers and dip I ate today. Yep, I fell of the wagon. Not completely of course, but gosh darn it, how often do you get smoked salmon dip AND fresh crab dip in the same day? I also ate a hot-dog, minus the bun of course.
Oh, and how am I supposed to get an elliptical workout in with a 6:30 pm 2 hour hair appt? Well, I won't...I sure hope my metabolism will eat away at all this dip I ate today. And chocolate chip cookies, but we won't go there. My sister made them, and who could eat just one. OK, two, and I savored every bite!
I noticed this morning on my run that I was also grappling with a lack of energy, which led to some food research, and evidently I need more carbs. I am not anti-carb by any means. I eat cereal in the AM and I eat a sandwich on wheat bread everyday. But I know white bread products and pastas do not agree with me either, which is why I have felt so good over the past few months. I'm not sure what I'm allergic to, but it's quite obvious that it's something in those products. Wheat? Gluten? Who knows... I just know I need to invest in some whole wheat bagels or something. Running on 1 cup of coffee just doesn't quite cut it for me.
I have been exploring training schedules for the half marathon. Some are 10 weeks, some 12 weeks, some 15 weeks. Some are 4 days a week, and some are 5 days a week. I am not sure what my plan will be. I look at these plans, and I'm just not sure what to do! I am also looking at ordering some books to help me to learn more. I know as my weight comes off, this will get easier. Thank goodness everyday isn't Super Bowl Sunday!
So tomorrow, it's back to normal, and hopefully, I can get back to my veggies, protein, and just normal food. I love the super bowl, but let's face it, it's just another day to eat crackers and chips. And cookies. And it will be a long time til I do it again.
On a happy note, I have my first sponsors, and more people are telling me they are going to sponsor me. THANK YOU SO MUCH! You don't even know what your gift will do for these beautiful babies and children. It's hard enough that these precious gifts have medical issues, but to add to it that they have no family to care for them, it's heart-breaking. LWB does amazing work, and God does amazing things through this organization.
Oh, and how am I supposed to get an elliptical workout in with a 6:30 pm 2 hour hair appt? Well, I won't...I sure hope my metabolism will eat away at all this dip I ate today. And chocolate chip cookies, but we won't go there. My sister made them, and who could eat just one. OK, two, and I savored every bite!
I noticed this morning on my run that I was also grappling with a lack of energy, which led to some food research, and evidently I need more carbs. I am not anti-carb by any means. I eat cereal in the AM and I eat a sandwich on wheat bread everyday. But I know white bread products and pastas do not agree with me either, which is why I have felt so good over the past few months. I'm not sure what I'm allergic to, but it's quite obvious that it's something in those products. Wheat? Gluten? Who knows... I just know I need to invest in some whole wheat bagels or something. Running on 1 cup of coffee just doesn't quite cut it for me.
I have been exploring training schedules for the half marathon. Some are 10 weeks, some 12 weeks, some 15 weeks. Some are 4 days a week, and some are 5 days a week. I am not sure what my plan will be. I look at these plans, and I'm just not sure what to do! I am also looking at ordering some books to help me to learn more. I know as my weight comes off, this will get easier. Thank goodness everyday isn't Super Bowl Sunday!
So tomorrow, it's back to normal, and hopefully, I can get back to my veggies, protein, and just normal food. I love the super bowl, but let's face it, it's just another day to eat crackers and chips. And cookies. And it will be a long time til I do it again.
On a happy note, I have my first sponsors, and more people are telling me they are going to sponsor me. THANK YOU SO MUCH! You don't even know what your gift will do for these beautiful babies and children. It's hard enough that these precious gifts have medical issues, but to add to it that they have no family to care for them, it's heart-breaking. LWB does amazing work, and God does amazing things through this organization.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
In the beginning, there were injuries
So last August I joined a gym for a short amount of time, and the trainer kicked my rear-end. It was hard, and I was in no way even close to the physical condition of those around me. But I stuck with it until school started. I knew when school started that I would need my own schedule because my kids are my priority and I work around their schedule.
At the time I had both a treadmill and an elliptical, but the elliptical was in the rafters of the garage. So I would go for walks outside, use small neoprene free-weights, and of course, walk on my treadmill. By the end of Sept, I was jogging for 10 minutes without stopping, and it felt so good!
INJURY #1: I was out walking with small 2 lb weights in each hand, when I felt something in my lower back pull. I was sore, and I knew I had been really pumping my arms, so I just figured it was a pulled muscle. But by day two, I could barely move. My back would freeze up, and I was stuck. I went to the chiropractor who got me moving again, but I had to take a week off of working out because it hurt so bad. And the worst of it was sitting. I could not sit for more than 10 minutes without excruciating pain.
After a week, I decided to start some slow walks again, and I realized, it didn't hurt to walk. After a few weeks, I tried jogging again, andI was almost back to my 10 minutes when....
INJURY #1: My treadmill started having issues. As I'd be walking or jogging, it would quit. (Rule #1: Always keep the warranty on your treadmill! We had just let ours laps last summer). So on this night, it stopped, so I stopped, and I went to bed feeling fine. I woke up with the sharpest pain in my right big toe that I can't even describe it. I could hardly walk. After a few days that pain went down, but I was walking on the side of my right foot, and soon it affected my back, hips, ankle, shins...never take your big toe for granted! I didn't want to give up on my workout progress though, and by this time I had lost 12 lbs. So my wonderful husband went up into the rafters and got out my 8 year-old elliptical, and I got on it, and my toe did not hurt! I would be able to continue my workouts, just not walking/jogging.
By Thanksgiving, I had lost 6 more lbs for a total of 18 lbs lost since August. My toe was getting better, but I still could not walk fast (although I did pull a Black Friday all-nighter!)
By early December, I felt I was on the mend. I had a trip to Vegas planned, which was a 2.5 hour plane ride, but I felt my back would handle it. On this trip, my friend and I were going to walk a 5K in a fun run called "The Santa Run" (see picture below, I'm on the right!) I drove the 2.5 hours to the airport, flew to Vegas, and when I got off the plane, I can't explain it, but something sent me into pain that was like no other. I took one step, and most of the pain I had felt before in my toe returned. So instead of the 5K, we decided to walk the mile, and for as cold as it was that morning, that was a good choice.

Also that weekend in Vegas was the Rock-n-Roll Marathon. When we went out Sunday night, I saw this:

And something inside of me said, "I want to do that." Not the whole marathon, just a half. (Just a half...did I really just say that?) But considering I had a major foot problem and a nagging back problem, how would that happen?
More next time, but for now, I am happy to say a jogged 5 miles last night! My back isn't too happy about though, so any prayers for my back would be appreciated.
At the time I had both a treadmill and an elliptical, but the elliptical was in the rafters of the garage. So I would go for walks outside, use small neoprene free-weights, and of course, walk on my treadmill. By the end of Sept, I was jogging for 10 minutes without stopping, and it felt so good!
INJURY #1: I was out walking with small 2 lb weights in each hand, when I felt something in my lower back pull. I was sore, and I knew I had been really pumping my arms, so I just figured it was a pulled muscle. But by day two, I could barely move. My back would freeze up, and I was stuck. I went to the chiropractor who got me moving again, but I had to take a week off of working out because it hurt so bad. And the worst of it was sitting. I could not sit for more than 10 minutes without excruciating pain.
After a week, I decided to start some slow walks again, and I realized, it didn't hurt to walk. After a few weeks, I tried jogging again, andI was almost back to my 10 minutes when....
INJURY #1: My treadmill started having issues. As I'd be walking or jogging, it would quit. (Rule #1: Always keep the warranty on your treadmill! We had just let ours laps last summer). So on this night, it stopped, so I stopped, and I went to bed feeling fine. I woke up with the sharpest pain in my right big toe that I can't even describe it. I could hardly walk. After a few days that pain went down, but I was walking on the side of my right foot, and soon it affected my back, hips, ankle, shins...never take your big toe for granted! I didn't want to give up on my workout progress though, and by this time I had lost 12 lbs. So my wonderful husband went up into the rafters and got out my 8 year-old elliptical, and I got on it, and my toe did not hurt! I would be able to continue my workouts, just not walking/jogging.
By Thanksgiving, I had lost 6 more lbs for a total of 18 lbs lost since August. My toe was getting better, but I still could not walk fast (although I did pull a Black Friday all-nighter!)
By early December, I felt I was on the mend. I had a trip to Vegas planned, which was a 2.5 hour plane ride, but I felt my back would handle it. On this trip, my friend and I were going to walk a 5K in a fun run called "The Santa Run" (see picture below, I'm on the right!) I drove the 2.5 hours to the airport, flew to Vegas, and when I got off the plane, I can't explain it, but something sent me into pain that was like no other. I took one step, and most of the pain I had felt before in my toe returned. So instead of the 5K, we decided to walk the mile, and for as cold as it was that morning, that was a good choice.

Also that weekend in Vegas was the Rock-n-Roll Marathon. When we went out Sunday night, I saw this:

And something inside of me said, "I want to do that." Not the whole marathon, just a half. (Just a half...did I really just say that?) But considering I had a major foot problem and a nagging back problem, how would that happen?
More next time, but for now, I am happy to say a jogged 5 miles last night! My back isn't too happy about though, so any prayers for my back would be appreciated.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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