Supporting Love Without Boundaries
Join me as I share my trials and tribulations as a new runner. What started off as a goal to run a half-marathon (when I could barely run 3 miles) to raise money for Love Without Boundaries quickly became a way of life. I encourage you to follow along, laugh with me, and learn from my mistakes. Overall, just realize that I'm not out to win any races, but my goal is self-improvement. In the last 2 years I've lost 50 lbs and reclaimed my LOVE for life! And if I can do it, so can YOU!

Friday, July 27, 2012
For the Love of S'mores
That title will make sense in a minute. First the good news.
Last Saturday I ran a 8K race (5 miles) about an hour or so from my house. It was a flat course and a great way to really see what I could do. I haven't been running as far or as long as I did during my half marathon training, but I've been picking up my pace, so that's been exciting. I was hoping to finish under 55 minutes for 11 min mile pace...that was a SMART goal. But in reality, I knew if I pushed it I could do it in under 53 minutes, not much more though.
When I crossed the finish line, I wasn't sure of my time because the clock was for the half marathon that was going on simultaneously. But I looked at my iPod and it said 48:47. WHAT? That would mean my pace was less than 10 minute miles, and honestly, I could feel it. I pushed it pretty hard, but I made sure I had fresh legs that day so I could push it hard. So when I got home, I checked my chip time. Are you ready? 48:07! That is an average 9:41 pace! Me? Again, slow for some, but for me...well, amazing!
So the next day we left for camping, and I normally don't run the day after a race. But I wanted to enjoy the next day of camping, so I set out for a recovery run. Bad idea. Several stops, got stung, etc... so I took Monday off.
Tuesday morning, I decided to set off on a long run (well, what is now a long run). I have no idea what my distance was, but I know I was out for 1:05. Again, that seems funny for a long run, but again, I also know I've picked up my pace because I was exhausted!
Tuesday night I was walking my dogs back up to the campsite, and my husband was driving down to my sister in law's site. We met up, and he said he couldn't find the s'mores supplies we had just bought. Me being me, I said, "THEY ARE IN THE YELLOW BAG! OH forget it, I'll just RUN to the site and get them. I can run faster than you can drive there and back." Which was true with a 5mph speed limit, I could run faster than he could drive. So I sprinted, and I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, this is awesome that I can run to a campsite, which I never would have done last year," and I got to the site, and ZING! The lower-outside of my left knee gave out. I felt a pull, pang of pain. "OH SNAP!" I thought...but I didn't say snap if you know what I mean. I got back, and told my husband that I hurt my knee, and it might be bad. Yet, I could still walk on it without pain. All for s'mores...the love of s'mores...and the love of my kids, who would have been really disappointed without the chocolate for their treats, and we can't have that while camping, now can we?
We got up Wednesday morning, and I had no pain. We packed up camp and went home. After dinner, I decided since I have a 5K coming this weekend, and I want to try to finish in under 31 min, I'd head out to a park with a flat loop. Upon arrival, my iPod went goofy...should have been my first clue. Finally fixed that, and I began to pound the pavement.
Step, step, step, step, AGAGHHHHAHHAGHAHG! What in the world....oh it must just be tight...stretch...step step step step step AGHAHAHAHAHAGGGGHHHHH! What the.... OK, rub, massage, work out the kinks, it'll be fine....step step step AAGGGGHHHHH! OK, this is not fine.
I walked back to my car...the whole 40 feet. Yes, I could not run barely 5 steps or 40 feet. There was no way. The pulling pain in my knee was brutal. I drove home, and walked in the door to the words, "Well that was fast." and I cried.
No swelling, no discoloration, just a pain I could only feel if I ran. Was this it? Was I done running? I'd had aches and pains, and I was even sidelined a few times, but this was scary. So it was ice and ibuprofen time...and that's what I did. I also researched every part and muscle on and around the knee. I kept self diagnosing, which was hard again because I couldn't pin point the pain.
So yesterday I decided to see if I could handle a spinning class. I didn't push it 100%, but I did survive the class with little to no pain. More ice, more ibuprofen, and more rest.
Today, feeling good, so I wanted to test this out to see where I am with this injury, so I went for an easy run. My first mile was a 12 min. mile (which included walking down a hill which I usually have fun running down--but I'm going easy)...dang, haven't run like that in over a month, but it felt good, so I kicked up the pace a bit, and ended with 3.5 miles in about 38 min, so the pace was just under 11 min miles. And I feel good! Again, more ice, and that area does feel tight, and it's a tough one to stretch, but massage should take care of it.
Praise God. I will run the 5K tomorrow, but not for a PR (Personal Record), but I probably will PR because my only other 5K is 35:15, so even at a jog I can beat that, but my goal was to do it in under 31 minutes. Not sure that is a smart thing to try to do, so I'll just go out and have some fun and praise the Lord that I'm there.
In fact, everyday that I run is a blessing not promised to me. And I realized I need to thank the Lord for all He has given me. He has provided me with all need, and he has given me running when I needed it most. I praise God that my health has been restored, my energy levels are up, and I'm setting a good example for my kids. This little injury is a good reminder that nothing in this life is a given.
Thanks for reading, and I'll post my 5K experience tomorrow! (There is a part of me that is perturbed I can't go "all out" tomorrow. It's a flat course!)
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