Supporting Love Without Boundaries

Join me as I share my trials and tribulations as a new runner. What started off as a goal to run a half-marathon (when I could barely run 3 miles) to raise money for Love Without Boundaries quickly became a way of life. I encourage you to follow along, laugh with me, and learn from my mistakes. Overall, just realize that I'm not out to win any races, but my goal is self-improvement. In the last 2 years I've lost 50 lbs and reclaimed my LOVE for life! And if I can do it, so can YOU!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Race last weekend

Last Saturday I did the 5 mile "Run 4 the Light" run at the beach near where I live. The course went along a paved "dune trail" along the beach for the last half, which was really nice. It was a fundraiser for a maritime museum.

I had to start off a little slower. I have this odd muscle pull on the front-left side of my leg just below the knee. If I take off too fast, it pulls (see the S'mores post). But I forget about it because it doesn't bother me on a day-to-day basis. But I started running, and AGGGHHH! It went. I took a few slow steps, took it easy, and within a a few minutes it worked itself out, and I kept going.

My 5 mile time at Lake Fair was 48:07, and that was a relatively flat course. This course was also flat, but not quite as flat as Lake Fair. There was one hill and then a few up-and-downs along the trail. My time ended up 49:45, so I can say it was still a sub 10 min mile pace...barely.

Waiting to start, and as you can see, Tyson had to come out to give me one last hug!

After the race!

This week has been a good training week. I ran 6 miles in my neighborhood on Monday; 6.5 miles on a new-to-me trail with a running friend; 6 miles with several hills and inclines on Saturday; and then Tues and Thurs I did 15-20 min elliptical then a 45 minute spinning class.

I am trying to get my eating under control. The harder I try, the worse it gets! I think the stress of getting my classroom ready for school is starting to get to me. Hopefully I can get myself back to a place of control and healthy food soon. We had a party, and now we have a ton of food left over that I feel compelled to eat. Well, I'll just keep running it off and hopefully it will all even out :)

This week will just be another week of exercise and running, but the plan for Saturday is a hike! Very excited about that. Then I have a few 10Ks lined up for September, which is really exciting because although I've ran 6+miles before, these will be my first 10K races! I'm looking forward to it.

Enjoy the week!

:) Jolene

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