Let me start by saying that this has been one miserable week. Last Friday, I started coming down with something. My son had been sick with a fever, and he ended up with a severe cold and ear infection. He kindly passed it to me, one week prior to my half marathon! I did everything possible--zinc lozanges, airborne to boost vitamins, cold meds...I even went to the doctor to in fact find out I had a sinus infection, but my doc will not give antibiotics for that. Awesome. But he recommended a neti-pot----ewwww! Well desperate times call for desperate measures.
By Thursday I was perking up, but since I had missed my long run from the prior weekend and had been doing much shorter runs, I was nervous. I headed out for 3 easy miles since it was a taper week (or in my case, extreme taper), and it felt much better than the 4 on Monday or the 4.5 on Tuesday. I took Wed off to let my body heal, and I think that was the best decision I made.
And meanwhile...my husband caught a cold and fever! UGH!
Off to Seattle
So Friday, my husband amped himself up with cold meds, and off we went to the big city of Seattle. One of our outings was to eat at the Space Needle to celebrate our kids' birthdays! It was absolutely POURING rain! Great...my week had been going "so well" already, so this would just cap it off nicely. In fact, I thought of backing out since I had been sick and didn't want to make it worse.

Finally, the big day!
I woke up bright and early today, dressed for rain, and off I went to the starting line, which was a 10 minute walk from our hotel. It was NOT RAINING! Praise the Lord! The gun went off at 7am, but it was a corral wave start. I finally started at 8:04. But the nice thing was that the person who facilitated our adoption of Tyson recognized me, and we chatted at the starting line, so that was a real blessing and definitely a highlight of the day for me. Thanks Myriam!
My finishing goal was 2 hours 35 minutes, and I wanted to run all of it; but I did give myself permission to walk steep hills only. This would be just under 12 minute miles. I knew I could do it, but I would have to run steady. So off we went, and it was an immediate downhill, a bit flat, and up a hill. This would be the theme of the day. I started off slow while everyone flew by me. But soon, I was the one weaving and passing. I learned quickly I was corraled with the "walk-joggers" and the crazy thing was, I had moved up in corrals! With hindsight being 20/20, I wish I had moved up even more.
Just before the 5K/3.1 mile mark, I was getting too warm in my jacket. I wore my jacket because I just KNEW it was going to rain after reading all the weather reports. So that meant trying to take off my bib (with 4 safety pins) and re-pin it. I tried doing this while running. I did manage to get the safety pins off...but repinning was another story. So, stop #1--repinning my bib and tying my jacket around my waist, only to start running and have my jacket fall to my feet. So, I stop again and tie that puppy tight! So I lost some time there, and my 3.1 mile split was 00:39:18. EEKS! Not at all where I wanted to be.
And as I was running, I realized I needed a quick bathroom break. It wasn't an emergency, so I just kept my eye out for a short line at the porta-potties. I found one at about mile 4, so Stop #2: bathroom stop. I lost a few minutes there, but it could have been so much worse!
OK, so I then realize I'm at 4 miles and 52 minutes. Oh boy, if I keep this pace up, I won't finish for 3 hours! So I decided to make up time...but then, I round mile 5 to see a HUGE HILL! This was NOT on the elevation map. I didn't expect this at all, and it was like a series of 2-3 steep hills all in a row. Yep, I walked that baby, and then it was just as steep on the other side going back down. OK, time to get back on track.
I crossed the 10K/6.2mile mark at 1:18. WHAT? This is slower than I had been training! Those stops and that hill killed my time. I still had 7 miles to go, and just to double my time would put me 2:36, plus one more mile would be 2:48. OH NO! So I decide right then and there to step it up. I knew more hills were coming, and I'd trudge through what I could. I smiled for the camera at the halfway point, and right after that were blue signs that showed pictures of fallen soldiers. It was an emotional moment--very sobering, realizing that I was running a race and these men and women gave their lives so that I could run that race. Then at about mile 8, my tailbone started bothering me. What was this? This had never bothered me before! It was pretty painful, but I just kept going. The extra hills were getting to me. Then we ran through the I-90 tunnel, and came out at the ramp toward Safeco and CenturyLink fields. I think those two spots were my favorites of the course.
My time at the 10 mile mark was 2:02. Yep, made up time! I ran about 4 miles in 44 minutes, so my pace increased, and I was almost back on track. But still, to get 3.1 miles in 33 minutes, I knew I'd be pushing it, but it wasn't out of reach. And then at mile 10, another hill that was not on the elevation map! Ugh! I had to walk it, I knew if I ran it, I would run out of steam by the end. Again, I lost some time. So at the top of that mile, I decided to push as hard as I could but still have steam to finish without stopping. That was my goal. I had never run past 11 miles, so when I crossed the 11 mile mark, at that point, it was all mental. One foot in front of the other. When I hit mile 12, I knew I wouldn't make my 2:35 time, so I decided I would stay in the 2:30s and NOT hit 2:40. When I first started this journey, my goal was 3 hours. Then about a month ago, it was 2:45. Then two weeks ago, it became 2:35. When I got sick, it became just to finish. The times are in my head, and they may be slow to some people, but for me, they are what I decided to try to do.
The last mile seemed like the longest, and of course, they had to throw in one more hill at the finish line. I crossed the finish line at 2:38:29. 3 minutes past my goal, but under the previous goals I set for myself. AND...if I took out the bib incident and stopping for the bathroom, I probably would have made it. So I'm going to consider today a success, and now I have something else to work toward.

Will I do another half-marathon anytime soon? Ask me when my toes aren't still tingling, knees don't need ice, and tailbone has healed! LOL All in all, what a great experience. Never in my life did I think I'd do something like that. It has helped me lose 44 lbs, eat healthier, and just overall be a happier person. It just goes to show, anything is possible! If I can do it, anyone can! But of course, I didn't do it alone. God has been my ultimate trainer through it all. He teaches lessons that go beyond running. Once again, I am reminded to trust in Him fully and completely, and He always keeps His word!
Don't forget, I'm still collecting donations for little Caleb for a few more days. The link is on the right, and every little bit helps!
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