Supporting Love Without Boundaries

Join me as I share my trials and tribulations as a new runner. What started off as a goal to run a half-marathon (when I could barely run 3 miles) to raise money for Love Without Boundaries quickly became a way of life. I encourage you to follow along, laugh with me, and learn from my mistakes. Overall, just realize that I'm not out to win any races, but my goal is self-improvement. In the last 2 years I've lost 50 lbs and reclaimed my LOVE for life! And if I can do it, so can YOU!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thinking about shirts

First an update: I'm doing well. My ankles and knees still "ache" but nothing that ice and ibuprofen can't handle. Finally, I was able to get past 4 miles and put in a 5 mile run on Sunday--outdoors! But today, I felt like I was dying trying to get 3 miles in on a treadmill...go figure. I add in spinning 1x a week and throw in some weigh training 3x a week.

So while on my 5 mile run on Sunday, I was deep in thought about what I will wear this Saturday. It's my first run, and it's a fun one! It's the St. Pat's day run in Seattle, and it's about 4 miles. (My husband was supposed to run it with me, but he managed to fracture his wrist in 2 places last night at work. I do have some friends to run with though.) It's St. Patrick's day, so obviously I need a green shirt. I was thinking about my shirts, and none are green and most are way too big these days. The weight is still coming off, just very slowly. I also need new you can see where this simple little thought is going...just pondering clothing options, and trying to come up with something green. I don't own any green shirts, so I start thinking I might run to a store and try to find a generic St. Patrick's Day shirt or something...

Then my thoughts switched to the half marathon in June. Oh no, what will I wear for that run? So I'm going through my options, or what I can buy, and all of a sudden, the stinking thinking starts. "You'll never make it. You won't finish." Those lovely positive thoughts, right? So then I start feeling down, like, "What am I doing? What makes me think that I'll be ready for a half-marathon by June?"

So I'm running down the road, earbuds in, jacket unzipped and fluttering around because it's not raining and I'm warm, and suddenly I feel this presence beside me. I look up, and this guy waves and says, "Hello." and he keeps running. He was a REAL runner, as he just floated pasted me. Great, another reason to feel like a total loser, right? Then I looked up, and I saw the back of his shirt...can you guess what it was? It was a GREEN ROCK AND ROLL MARATHON SHIRT!

So I'm going to take that as a sign from God that I'm on the right track! My husband says I'm reading too much into it. I say I don't believe in coincidences. How in the world could I be thinking of shirts, and suddenly I see a shirt that meshes the two runs I am signed up for? Exactly.

I booked my hotel room for the rock-n-roll marathon, so I guess that also makes it official!

And finally...I got my child I'm running for. I'll be posting more on the LWB stuff very soon.

Wish me luck on Saturday! The goal is to finish and not get run over.

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